Status and Prospect of Solar Energy in Yemen

AYAP’s 4th event “Status and Prospect of Solar Energy in Yemen” on November 28th, 5:00 pm Sanaa time zone. The main speakers are, Ali M. Al_Ashwal, Professor of Electrical Engineering.

The Future of Water Resources in Yemen

AYAP’s 7th event. The speakers: Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Hamdi, PhD: Senior Land and Water Officer, FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa Fadhl Al-Nozaily, PhD: Professor, Water, and Environment

The Economic Dimensions of the Conflict in Yemen

The Speakers: Jeehan Abdulghaffar: An international development expert and Senior Advisor to the Executive Director, World Bank Group. Rafat Al-Akhali: The Convenor of the Council on State Fragility at the

Closing the Digital Gap in Yemen

The conversation will focus on the status of internet connectivity in Yemen, its challenges, prospects, and current opportunities for the Yemeni youth. The speakers: The moderator: A Recording Of This

Marginalization in Yemen Between History and Reality

The webinar examines how marginalization in Yemen against minorities often relies on imagined, redefined, and racialized meanings of Yemeni citizenry. Such meanings are often disconnected from Yemen’s complex cultural and