Marginalization in Yemen Between History and Reality
The webinar examines how marginalization in Yemen against minorities often relies on imagined, redefined, and racialized meanings of Yemeni citizenry. Such meanings are often disconnected from Yemen’s complex cultural and historical connections to the broader Indian Ocean world.
Ms. Gukha Amin, a PhD student of history at the University of California-Santa Barbara. Insaf board member. Locating Yemen in the Indian Ocean: The Marginalization of Yemen’s
Minorities in a Historical Context.
Dr. Mohammed Almahfali, an affiliated researcher at the Lund University, Executive director of Insaf Center.
Yemen between Centralization and Marginalization.
Mr. Mahmoud Bahkali, a researcher, activist, and member of Insaf Center for Defending Freedoms and Minorities.
Racism and Marginalization: Relationship and Correlation.
Moderator: Dr. Waleed F. Mahdi, Assistant Professor of US-Arab Cultural Politics at the University of Oklahoma.
A Recording Of This Program Can Be Found Here